Feedback and Complaints
We strive to continually improve the way we manage the Box Moor Trust estate, and we gratefully receive your feedback, commendations, complaints, or any other suggestions.
It is always better if you can let us know straight away if you have feedback or a complaint that requires our attention. It’s then more likely that we can process and/or resolve it quickly and we ask for the opportunity to do so.
You can share feedback, a commendation, or register a complaint with the Box Moor Trust in the following ways:
Via email – admin@boxmoortrust.org.uk
By telephone – 01442 253300
In writing – The Box Moor Trust, The Box Moor Trust Centre, London Road, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2RE
- Treat all seriously and in confidence unless the nature of the complaint requires reporting to the relevant authority.
- Try to resolve complaints or issues promptly.
- Learn from feedback and suggestions and, where necessary, take action to continually improve how we work.
If you give your feedback/suggestion or complaint in person or over the telephone, we will try to resolve the issue there and then. If we are unable to do so, we will endeavour to contact you with an update within five working days.
If you give your feedback/suggestion or complaint in writing, we will acknowledge emails within two working days and other written communications within five working days of receiving them.
If you have asked for feedback or a response from us, we will aim to respond to any issues raised within ten working days.
If this isn’t possible, we will let you know why and agree on next steps with you. We will make sure to keep you informed of what we are doing, timescale, and who within the Trust is leading on your issue.
All complaints will be reviewed by a manager. The Board of Trustees will be periodically notified of any feedback, commendations, and complaints.
We will do a reasonably practicable amount to investigate and act on any feedback or complaint made. However, if we reach the end of our complaints process and you are still unsatisfied with our response, you can address your complaint to the relevant regulator, details of which are found below.
Other serious complaints – Complain to the Charity Commission if the Trust is, for example:
- not doing what it claims to do
- losing lots of money
- harming people
- being used for personal profit or gain
- involved in illegal activity