The Countryside Code: A Visitors Guide to the Box Moor Trust Estate
The Box Moor Trust is committed to managing the Box Moor Trust estate, on behalf of its beneficiaries, as a community resource and environmental asset. The Trust holds heritage, environmental awareness and health and safety at the heart of all activities; preserving and protecting our beautiful countryside.
To ensure everyone enjoys their visit and helps us maintain the natural environment, we kindly ask all visitors to adhere to the following guidelines, known as the Countryside Code.
- Take care of the environment and leave it as you found it.
- Dispose of litter responsibly and consider taking it home if no bins are available.
- Follow the guidance provided on signage across the Estate
- Keep dogs under effective control and clean up after them. Visit our bringing your dog page for more details.
- Avoid damaging and/or disturbing plants, trees, and wildlife by sticking to designated paths.
- Do not disturb or remove any wildlife, plants, or flowers.
- Take care during nesting seasons and be mindful of vulnerable habitats.
- Enjoy our Estate alongside the Trusts Belted Galloway cattle and Norfolk Horn sheep, Visit our animal page for more details on do’s and don’ts when it comes to livestock.
- Close gates behind you, unless instructed otherwise.
- Respect fences, walls, and buildings, and avoid causing any damage.
- Be courteous to fellow visitors, allowing them to enjoy the countryside peacefully.
- Keep noise levels to a minimum and control your dog’s behaviour around others.
- Respect the employees of Box Moor Trust and their work.
- Treat all employees, volunteers and Trustees with courtesy, respect, and dignity.
- Follow any instructions or guidance provided by staff members.
- Report any concerns or incidents regarding employee misconduct promptly.
- Familiarize yourself with the area and its facilities before your visit.
- Check for any temporary restrictions, closures, or local bylaws.
- Visit our stock map for details on where livestock are across the Estate.
- Be prepared for changes in weather conditions and carry appropriate clothing and equipment.
The Box Moor Trust does not permit the use of barbeques, disposable or otherwise, or for a fire to be started on any part of the Estate. Fire can cause significant harm to the landscape and wildlife, following our strict guidelines will minimise this risk, and help protect this beautiful place.
Use of the Box Moor Trust Estate is subject to its Bye Laws.
Without lawful authority no person shall in or upon the land:-
a) Remove gravel, sand, soil or turf.
b) Discharge firearms or throw or discharge missiles.
c) Wilfully destroy, chase, or take or set up traps or nets or lay snares for any wild animals.
d) Permit dogs to chase game or other birds or animals or otherwise fail to keep dogs under proper control.
e) Permit horses, cattle, sheep or other animals to graze or stray.
f) Bathe in any pond or stream.
g) Post or paint bills, advertisements, placards or notices.
h) Train, break-in, exercise or ride horses except on public and permissive bridleways.
i) Hold any show, exhibition or fair or place any swing, roundabout or other like thing.
j) Erect or place any building, tent, booth, stall, fence, post, railing or other similar structure for any purpose.
k) Sell, vend or expose for sale any goods or merchandise whatsoever.
Anyone who fails to observe the above limitations or conditions may be delt with by recourse to legal action.
In addition the Box Moor Trust has a robust Unacceptable Behaviour Policy in place to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all – protecting the rights of members of the public, Employees, Volunteers and Trustees alike.
Please select the links to view our policies.
Disclaimer: The above summary provides a general overview of the Countryside Code, and the importance of respecting Box Moor Trust employees and wildlife; viewing and accessing the Trust Bye Laws, Unacceptable Behaviour Policy, and Social Media Acceptable Use Policy. For more comprehensive information, please refer to the official government guidelines on The Countryside Code, available on their website here.