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Self Led Activities

There are plenty of opportunities for informal lifelong learning on the Trust Land.

Copies of our Orange, Green, Red and Blue Walks are available from this website and from the Box Moor Trust Centre. These provide information on the points of interest around these routes.

Please be aware that due to infrastructure works currently taking place around Westbrook Hay estate, orienteering maps on the website may not be representative of what is actually available,  However, orienteering is still an option to book as an activity.  Should you have any concerns, please contact us to discuss further.

Families and Children

Activity days and sessions for families are held during the school holidays, with seasonal crafts and outdoor activities suitable for children up to 11 years. Children’s activities are also available at Trust events, including the Autumn Festival and Lambing Weekend.

Bug Bags for Hire

Why not hire one of our bug finding activity bags and go on your very own adventure through the fields and into the woodlands to discover the wonderful world of insects?

 Bug Bags are available to hire for the day from the Trust Centre – we require a £10 cash deposit that will be refunded on return of the bag.

Bug Bag

Download the following guides for self-guided activities.