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GRS Trading Ltd.

GRS Trading Volunteers

Approximately 60 staff gave a combined 350 volunteering hours and helped the Estates Team with work to will help to support the riverbanks of the River Bulbourne, a chalk stream and globally rare habitat.

In the mornings, GRS volunteers helped collect and bundle coppice material. They then helped to install these bundles along the River Bulbourne in the afternoon. The bundles that the team have prepared and installed help to support and protect the riverbanks from erosion and encourage natural siltation. This work helps to improve biodiversity, reduce the risk of flooding and creates a valuable habitat for wildlife.
Volunteering projects like this help to bring people into contact with the outdoors and give them a chance to learn new skills with the support of our friendly team. If your staff are happy to roll their sleeves up and get stuck in then we can offer worthwhile volunteering opportunities that will help us improve the land for visitors whilst maintaining important wildlife habitats.  

The work the Box Moor Trust does aims to attract wildlife and increase the biodiversity of the local area whilst making the land open and accessible for the local community to enjoy. We also offer environmental awareness opportunities to instil a lifelong enjoyment of nature and the environment and bring people into contact with the outdoors. 

We are happy to work with you to find a project that you feel would fit with your organisation’ core values and help you to provide employee engagement programs to enrich both the organisation and its people. You will also make a difference to a local charity that strives to make a positive impact on the environment. 

If you would like more information on ways that your organisation can help to support our charity, please contact us at